ADS Newsletter FEBRUARY 28th, 2025
Hello Acton Families:
March Break is only a week away!
Thinking about how to keep your student busy over March Break? Check this out:
Education Council's March Break 2025 opportunities.
Some good news to share this week–our curling team won silver medals at the HSSAA Bonspiel! Well done Nick Diegel , Lucas Mattocks , Trevor Turcotte and Gavin Neville for their second place finish at HSSAA. They defeated Aldershot 17-4, Hayden 6-5 but we're defeated by last year's OFSAA silver medalists, GDHS, 15-2. We were the only team to count points against GDHS! Congratulations boys and Coach Shawn Brown.
There is a wonderful opportunity offered to our students to earn both a college credit and a credit towards their diploma through the dual credit program with Conestoga College in Milton. Students would be taking Photojournalism. It is a very hands-on course. The students who participated last year really enjoyed it. Students go to Conestoga every Wednesday for 3 hrs.Transportation is provided. Send your interested student to Student Services to join up!
Here is a description of the course:
This course will introduce students to the requirements for taking photos for news reporting. Students will practice techniques to prepare photos and write accompanying text for digital and traditional media outlets. They will use InDesign to layout news pages and present other visual content such as infographics and social media cards.
Parents of elementary students–please make sure you have your child immunized before the date of suspension (by Halton Healthcare. See the information posted below.)
Coming Soon: AP Information Night for parents hwo have students interested in talking Advanced Placement. TBD
Have a great weekend–hopefully not too much shovelling. Ramadan Mubarak to all our families who are celebrating!
My Best, K
Pizza Days (Session 3) March 20-June 12 2025 - Grade 7 & 8 Only
Our school is offering Pizza days once again as a fundraiser. Our pizza is being supplied by Twice the Deal Pizza - Acton. Please visit school cash online to order. Deadline to order pizza is Friday, March 7, 2025 @ Noon
Hello Acton Families,
Softcover and hardcover yearbooks are now available for purchase on School Cash Online.
To order, please visit your student(s)' School Cash Online account.
Deadline to order: May 9th, 2025
Don’t miss out on the memories—order your yearbook today!
Grade 12 Biology students are getting hands-on experience with cutting-edge biotechnology tools, thanks to the Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE). This innovative science education program allows students to perform gel electrophoresis in the classroom, a key technique used to separate molecules like DNA. By engaging in real-world lab techniques, students gain a deeper understanding of biosciences and the excitement of scientific discovery. The ABE program helps bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-life applications, inspiring the next generation of scientists.
MacMillians Fundraiser: Help Support our Prom Committee!
Acton’s Prom Committee is hosting a MacMillians food fundraiser this spring. Check out the delicious cookies, muffins, soups,and ready made items for purchase.
Use the website and select Acton Prom Committee under the “Organization / School Name” for your order. Fill in your students name and payment information during the check out process. The Final day to submit orders is Thursday March 27th at midnight.
Orders will be delivered and ready for pick up on April 17th just in time for the April long weekend.
Support our school and enjoy some delicious treats! Reach out to Ms. Andrew with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!
The Prom Committee is working diligently to ensure this year's event is a memorable one. A big thank you to everyone who purchased cookies to support us! Stay tuned for upcoming fundraisers and ticket sales coming your way soon.
The Halton Regional Police PEACE Program application has now gone live!
This is not a co-operative education opportunity, but one that would build out relevant experience for students interested in careers in policing, emergency response, or community and social services. It takes place in the evenings over a period of 11 weeks.
Ramadan Mubarak to all of our Muslim friends and families.
This is a reminder that our new Multi-faith room in the Library is open for prayers. Please see Ms. Thatcher with questions.
Integrated Arts Puppet Show: A Creative Start!
On February 21, students in the grade 9 ALC1O1 Integrated Arts course kicked off their puppet show project with their first integration day! The focus of the day was on forming groups and selecting stories. Each group of students came together to brainstorm ideas and choose a theme that would resonate with their audience—kindergarteners from MacKenzie-Smith Bennett Public School. Most students opted to adapt a familiar children's book with engaging characters and important life lessons, such as kindness, teamwork, and sharing.
With the start of their projects behind them, students are ready to move forward with their next integration days. They will soon start designing their puppets, building their set, and composing music that will bring their stories to life. We’re excited to see how these talented young artists will collaborate and showcase their creativity in June!
Cinderellas and Fellas
We provide free, lightly used graduation and prom formal wear and accessories for women and men.
Friday March 21st 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Bethel Church - 365 Queen St., Acton
Halton Regional Centre
Address: 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville
Dates (Grades 2, 7 and 8 only):
Tuesday, February 25 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Thursday, February 27 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Monday, March 3 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Wednesday, March 5 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Monday, March 10 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Tuesday, March 11 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Wednesday, March 12 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Thursday, March 13 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Friday, March 14 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Saturday, March 15 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Suspensions will begin Thursday, March 27, 2025, for those students who have not notified Halton Health of their immunization record.
HDSB needs Homestay Hosts in the Acton Community
Homestay Hosts in the Acton Community Needed for Students in the HDSB International Student Program (ISP)
Dear Halton District School Board families:
The HDSB welcomes international students to our schools every year. International students benefit our programs, our communities, and provide experiences that positively shape the worldview of our local students. International students perform better in school when they live in a home that welcomes them and provides a supportive, safe and nurturing environment. We are looking for Homestay Hosts in the Acton area - You can help by inviting international students to stay with your family while they study with us.
Our partner homestay agency works with public schools boards; colleges and universities across Canada. They are well established and provide support to host families 24x7.
Host families who welcome international students into their home:
Grow their understanding of the world’s cultures
Make life-long friendships
Get to share the beauty of their home and community
Receive a generous allowance to offset expenses
What you provide:
Three nutritious meals / day
Utilities including laundry and internet
A private bedroom, desk and closet
A patient, caring, and friendly home atmosphere
The same guidance and attention you would want for your loved ones travelling overseas!
Please share your interest by completing the following form:
Thank you!
The HDSB International Student Program Team
Mental Health and Well-Being Information Sessions:
The HDSB has announced additional Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions for parents/guardians this Winter and Spring. We invite staff to attend these sessions and encourage you to help spread the word about these opportunities.
Each session will be led by a mental health expert in that area who will share their knowledge and provide helpful information and resources.
The upcoming sessions include:
Anxiety and Depression - Signs, Symptoms and Where to Get Help - Monday, Feb. 24 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Read Aloud Story Time - Tuesday, March 4 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Supporting Elementary-Aged Students with Anxiety: Practical Strategies and Interventions - Tuesday, March 18 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Navigating Mental Health Resources for Children and Teens: A Guide for Parents/Guardians - Tuesday, March 25 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Families and staff can learn more about the sessions available by visiting our Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions webpage and register online by completing the registration form.
Sessions will be held on Google Meet, where closed captioning is available in various languages. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the session. Questions can be submitted when completing the registration form or during the session. Sessions will not be recorded.
Mental Health Supports for students:
Support Services are available to students year round! If you find yourself in need with your mental health and well-being over the break, you are not alone. Be sure to use one of the resources that are available to you:
ROCK 24 hr crisis line support: 905-878-9785
COAST (16+): 1-877-825-9011
Kids Help Phone (up to age 24): 1-800-668-6868 or text 686868
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline (24 hr support for all ages): call or text 9-8-8.
One Stop Talk Connect with a Therapist: or 1-855-416-TALK
Visit HDSB Student Support Services website.
Upcoming Days of Significance
The HDSB’s Days of Significance graphics and heritage month graphics are available for schools to use at their discretion as administrators see fit. Please note some graphics are in development and will be added to the folder as they become available. The following days of significance and heritage months will be recognized over the upcoming week (March 2-8)
Upcoming Mental Health & Well-Being Information Session
Read Aloud Story Time
Date: Tuesday, March 4 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Presenters: Samara Jeffery and Celina Gillis | HDSB Child and Youth Counsellors
Description: Life can be challenging at times, and we all encounter moments of self-doubt or frustration. Have you ever felt like giving up or believed that something was beyond your abilities? We all get stuck sometimes! Join us for an engaging storytime that introduces the concept of a growth mindset. Designed for young learners (Kindergarten – Grade 3) and their parents/guardians, this interactive session will explore how we can shift from negative thinking to a more positive mindset. Come listen to a story and participate in activities and strategies for you and your child to use together when they get stuck.
Registration is required as limited spots are available. Register by completing the Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions Registration Form.
For more information, please visit Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions
Halton Industry Education Council’s Ontario Career Lab presents March Break 2025 learning opportunities for Grade 7-12 students. Families can learn more about the workshops clicking on the following link to see the full flyer: March Break 2025 opportunities. Note that the link to register is embedded in the flyer.
With temperatures still keeping us guessing, winter weather could surprise us any time! To stay prepared, families are encouraged to review the HDSB Inclement Weather Reminders to know how we communicate important updates about school closures and bus cancellations. A printable version of this information is also available. If your child is bused to school, please ensure you know which transportation zone you are located in. Let’s stay connected and safe when wintry conditions arrive!
Guidance Staff:
Mrs. Schnekenburger - Head of Guidance
Mr. Brown - Guidance (Period 4)
Mrs. Sint Maung - Guidance (Period 1)
Mrs. Brady - Administrative Assistant
Please visit our Student Services Page on our website for the most up to date information:
Congratulations to our Grade 8 students who have been accepted into our Grade 9 AP pathway for September 2025.
Course verification forms have been given out to students. If there is a change needed for September courses, please complete the form and return it to Student Services.
If you are looking for Volunteer opportunities, please visit Student Services for assistance.
Volunteer & Employment Fair at the Georgetown Library on
Friday February 28th and Saturday March 1st from
10:00am – 3:00pm.
This event includes presentations focused on employment supports and volunteer opportunities, as well as booths for our community partners and local community organizations.
March 3 Pizza Make Up Day (Elementary)
March 3 SAVIS: Grade 9 "Consent and Body Integrity"
SAVIS: Grade 12 "Healthy Relationships and Boundaries"
March 4 SAVIS: Grade 10 "Consent and Body Integrity"
SAVIS: Grade 11 "Healthy Relationships and Boundaries"March 6 SEC: 5th Week Distribution
SAVIS: Grade 7 & 8 "Mental Health and Self Care"March 10-14 March Break
March 21 SEC: Spring Grad Assembly
in our community
Things to do:
Looking for something to do in Halton Hills this weekend, make sure to check out the Culture Days website!