ADS Newsletter March 7th, 2025

Happy March Break Families! What a beautiful day to begin the holiday. I wish you safe travels if you are on your way out of Acton and if you are staying in town, enjoy Prospect Park, a new restaurant etc.

Families are invited to the Roxy tomorrow (as previously shared) from 10- 1pm to gather in support of our community. See you there!

Just a little fun to share with you. I was called up to the science classrooms for a major water spill–a bit of an emergency–only to find Ms. Warner’s  Grade 11 Chemistry class had set me up. Here is what I found when I arrived. Lots of water molecules. Smarties.

We have had a tremendous response to our announcement that we are offering Advanced Placement ( Pre-AP) to our grade 9 classes. We plan to implement the 4 year program of skill building and academic growth for our students so they will be successful when they write the AP qualifying exams in Grade 12. This is so exciting for our students who demand a little more rigour and know they are headed for post secondary academic life.

 I will be making a presentation for parents on the same night as our April Parent/Teacher Interview Night On Thursday April 3rd at 5pm. Meet and Greets and Interviews begin at 6pm.

Spring sports coming up include Track, Baseball and hopefully Jr Boys Soccer and Sr, Girls Soccer. The School play is on stage Wednesday April 30th through  May 2nd and before you know it we will be enjoying 2 graduations and the Prom. The year is flying by. Enjoy every month with your students.

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Hello Acton Families,

Softcover and hardcover yearbooks are now available for purchase on School Cash Online.

To order, please visit your student(s)' School Cash Online account.

Deadline to order: May 9th, 2025

Don’t miss out on the memories—order your yearbook today!

MacMillians Fundraiser: Help Support our Prom Committee! 

 Acton’s Prom Committee is hosting a MacMillians food fundraiser this spring. Check out the delicious cookies, muffins, soups,and ready made items for purchase. 

Use the website and select Acton Prom Committee under the “Organization / School Name” for your order. Fill in your students name and payment information during the check out process.  The Final day to submit orders is Thursday March 27th at midnight.  

Orders will be delivered and ready for pick up on April 17th just in time for the April long weekend. 

Support our school and enjoy some delicious treats!  Reach out to Ms. Andrew with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support! 

Rehearsals for “The Reunion” Have Begun!

The cast of “The Reunion”, an original play, written for our very own drama club, is set to make its world premiere this spring on stage here at Acton District. The cast and crew are hard at work, ensuring that this year’s performances will be memorable. This year’s show will even feature a three course meal as part of the production. Stay tuned for more details and ticket sales. Mark April 30th, May 1, and May 2nd on your calendars. This is one reunion you won’t want to miss! 

Cinderellas and Fellas

We provide free, lightly used graduation and prom formal wear and accessories for women and men.

Friday March 21st    4:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Bethel Church - 365 Queen St., Acton

What’s Cooking in the Kitchen?! 

Students have been cooking up a storm in the family studies food classrooms! As part of our learning of Black History students learned about the history & ties between Jamaica & other cultures (ex. India) along with the origins of Rastafarianism. Chef Devlon Green of the Halton Caribbean Chef’s Association shared some teachings that allowed our Grade 11’s to make a Jamaican Pasta inspired by Rasta culture. Meanwhile the Grade 12’s practiced their knife skills in making Jamaican Curry!  Sorry - no left overs were to be found! 

Interested in trying these recipes at home? Email 

We then started the new month exploring commonalities across religious cultures in the Grade 11 Food Culture course - as many people begin periods of religious fasting this month (Ramadan, Lent) - students made pancakes from around the world on Pancake Tuesday after learning about the origins of the tradition. Check out our school instagram for a full video with the details!


Halton Regional Centre
Address: 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville 

Dates (Grades 2, 7 and 8 only):

Suspensions will begin Thursday, March 27, 2025, for those students who have not notified Halton Health of their immunization record.

Creativity in Grade Nine English 

Grade nine English students flexed their creativity this week as they developed layered storyboards to help them analyze the short stories they’ve been studying in class. Students identified the theme of their chosen text and three quotations that supported their main idea. Then they used small parts and their creativity to develop a visual representation of the connection between theme, quotations, and symbols. These connections will inform their writing on these texts. There was a lot of great insight and connections made by the students this week. Check out their storyboard creations.

The concept of Layered Storyboards was developed by Angela Stockman in 2021. 

Extended Absence Reminder

Parents/guardians who withdraw students during school time are advised that, depending on the timing and length of the absence, academic performance of your student may be affected. It is the student’s responsibility to catch-up on missed work.

In secondary school, any absence that is longer than 3 consecutive days is referred to as an extended absence. If you know that your student will be away for more than 3 consecutive school days, please print this Planned Absence Form and fill it in with the information requested 2 weeks prior to the planned absence (hard copies are available in the office). Students should ask their parent/guardian and teachers to fill in the form and once it is complete, the form should be handed in at the main office. The Vice Principal will then review the form and it will be given to the attendance Administrative Assistant for attendance to be entered (absences longer than 3 days are not able to be entered into School Messenger by parents). If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to the main office at 905-847-6875. Thank you. 

Guidance Staff:

Mrs. Schnekenburger - Head of Guidance

Mr. Brown - Guidance (Period 4)

Mrs. Sint Maung - Guidance (Period 1)

Mrs. Brady - Administrative Assistant

Please visit our Student Services Page on our website for the most up to date information:

Congratulations to our Grade 8 students who have been accepted into our Grade 9 AP pathway for September 2025.

Course verification forms have been given out to students.  If there is a change needed for September courses, please complete the form and return it to Student Services.

If you are looking for Volunteer opportunities, please visit Student Services for assistance.

Attention all Grade 12 students - Please stop by Student Services to give your Grad Gown size! 

Are you part of a SHSM and want to see the available Awards and Scholarships? Please click on the link:

SHSM Awards and Scholarships

For additional awards and scholarships, please see the Acton District School website

If you would like more information about SHSM, Dual Credit, OYAP or OYAP FAST please stop by Student Services.

Course changes for next year are now closed while the timetable is being created.  You will have an opportunity to meet with your counselor about changes before September.

University Tours are available during March!  

College Tours are available during March!

The Halton Regional Police PEACE Program application has now gone live

This is not a co-operative education opportunity, but one that would build out relevant experience for students interested in careers in policing, emergency response, or community and social services. It takes place in the evenings over a period of 11 weeks.

HDSB needs Homestay Hosts in the Acton Community

Homestay Hosts in the Acton Community Needed for Students in the HDSB International Student Program (ISP)

Dear Halton District School Board families:

The HDSB welcomes international students to our schools every year.  International students benefit our programs, our communities, and provide experiences that positively shape the worldview of our local students.  International students perform better in school when they live in a home that welcomes them and provides a supportive, safe and nurturing environment. We are looking for Homestay Hosts in the Acton area - You can help by inviting international students to stay with your family while they study with us. 

Our partner homestay agency works with public schools boards; colleges and universities across Canada.  They are well established and provide support to host families 24x7.

Host families who welcome international students into their home:

What you provide:

Please share your interest by completing the following form: 

Thank you!

The HDSB International Student Program Team

Mental Health and Well-Being Information Sessions: 

The HDSB has announced additional Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions for parents/guardians this Winter and Spring. We invite staff to attend these sessions and encourage you to help spread the word about these opportunities.

Each session will be led by a mental health expert in that area who will share their knowledge and provide helpful information and resources. 

The upcoming sessions include: 

Families and staff can learn more about the sessions available by visiting our Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions webpage and register online by completing the registration form. 

Sessions will be held on Google Meet, where closed captioning is available in various languages. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the session. Questions can be submitted when completing the registration form or during the session. Sessions will not be recorded.

Mental Health Supports for students:

Support Services are available to students year round! If you find yourself in need with your mental health and well-being over the break, you are not alone. Be sure to use one of the resources that are available to you: 

Upcoming Days of Significance 

The HDSB’s Days of Significance graphics and heritage month graphics are available for schools to use at their discretion as administrators see fit. Please note some graphics are in development and will be added to the folder as they become available. The following days of significance and heritage months will be recognized over the upcoming week (March 2-8)

Upcoming Mental Health & Well-Being Information Session

Read Aloud Story Time

Date: Tuesday, March 4 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Presenters: Samara Jeffery and Celina Gillis | HDSB Child and Youth Counsellors 

Description: Life can be challenging at times, and we all encounter moments of self-doubt or frustration. Have you ever felt like giving up or believed that something was beyond your abilities? We all get stuck sometimes! Join us for an engaging storytime that introduces the concept of a growth mindset. Designed for young learners (Kindergarten – Grade 3) and their parents/guardians, this interactive session will explore how we can shift from negative thinking to a more positive mindset. Come listen to a story and participate in activities and strategies for you and your child to use together when they get stuck.

Registration is required as limited spots are available. Register by completing the Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions Registration Form. 

For more information, please visit Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions

Halton Industry Education Council’s Ontario Career Lab presents March Break 2025 learning opportunities for Grade 7-12 students. Families can learn more about the workshops clicking on the following link to see the full flyer: March Break 2025 opportunities. Note that the link to register is embedded in the flyer. 

With temperatures still keeping us guessing, winter weather could surprise us any time! To stay prepared, families are encouraged to review the HDSB Inclement Weather Reminders to know how we communicate important updates about school closures and bus cancellations. A printable version of this information is also available. If your child is bused to school, please ensure you know which transportation zone you are located in. Let’s stay connected and safe when wintry conditions arrive!

Families can use the link below to find details on game days/times for our various athletic teams throughout the year.

in our community

Things to do:

Looking for something to do in Halton Hills this weekend, make sure to check out the Culture Days website!