Business Studies

Business in the School

DECA Business Club: DECA is an international business club that is very popular in Ontario. See for more information. We start each year in September and run through to February. 

ABC Company

ABC Company, a project for students in Grade 10 Business is in its 6th year. Students can receive up to $2000 to run their OWN business each summer with mentorship from business owners and employees in Halton Hills. It runs in 2nd semester of - starting March 2020. This year it will be open to students in Grades 9-11.


The courses offered by the Business Studies Department are:

Grade 10 - Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset

In this course, students will learn what makes an entrepreneur thrive and the skills required to succeed in today’s business environment. Students will begin to develop their own entrepreneurial mindset, and learn why it’s important to take initiative, adapt to change, find creative solutions, and understand the financial considerations of entrepreneurship. This hands-on course will use business software and applications to help students plan and develop their entrepreneurial ideas and learn how to present them to a target audience. Throughout the course, students will enhance their communications skills as well as develop and refine their project management skills, including goal setting, time management, and networking. 

Grade 11 and 12 Accounting

- Students will begin by exploring fundamental concepts such as categories of accounts and journal entries. They will progress through the entire accounting cycle by concluding with financial statement creation. The Grade 12 course utilizes  the information from the Grade 11 Course to perform financial analysis on real world companies. Students will work in Quickbooks Accounting software to provide real-world applicability and look at developing their own company as well.