Canada and World Studies

Canada and World Studies consists of all the courses that place you, your country, and your community in the broader world. Where do you fit?

Geography – Our geography courses deal with Canada, our relationship with the environment, and the wider world with a strong focus of global citizenship and creating a sustainable future. Significant local, national, and global issues are an important part of geographic education. Climate change, air and water pollution, urbanization, agriculture, and our growing global population are all key issues of study. We also offer a range of other courses from Travel and Tourism to Natural Disasters, as well as Environmental and Resource Management for senior level choices. Take a look at what interests you and talk to our Canadian and World Studies teachers for more information.

Civics - Our Civics courses are focused on community integration. With projects and assignments that allow students to look at Acton and Halton Region and the ways to improve the places we live. Let's engage together!

History - Our history courses cover a wide range of historical topics from the earliest human periods, such as the Stone Age, through the ancient and medieval worlds, to the modern history of both Canada and the World. Take a look at what interests you and talk to our Canadian and World Studies teachers for more information.

Geography In Act(i)on

Geography Speakers Series

CGC1D - Grade 9 - Issues in Canadian Geography

- Academic Pathway

This course examines interrelationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how these systems interconnect with those in other parts of the world. Students will explore environmental, economic, and social geographic issues relating to topics such as transportation options, energy choices, and urban development. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate various geographic issues and to develop possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place in which to live.

CHC2D - Grade 10 - Canadian History Since World War I

- Academic Pathway

This course explores the local, national, and global forces that have shaped Canada’s national identity from World War I to the present. Students will investigate the challenges presented by economic, social, and technological changes and explore the contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian culture and society during this period. Students will use critical-thinking and communication skills to evaluate various interpretations of the issues and events of the period and to present their own points of view.

CHC2P - Grade 10 - Canadian History Since World War I

- Applied Pathway

This course focuses on the social context of historical developments and events and how they have affected the lives of people in Canada since 1914. Students will explore interactions between various communities in Canada as well as contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian heritage and identity. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating the continuing relevance of historical developments and how they have helped shape communities in present-day Canada.

CHV2O - Grade 10 - Civics and Citizenship

- Open

This course explores rights and responsibilities associated with being an active citizen in a democratic society. Students will explore issues of civic importance such as healthy schools, community planning, environmental responsibility, and the influence of social media, while developing their understanding of the role of civic engagement and of political processes in the local, national, and/or global community. Students will apply the concepts of political thinking and the political inquiry process to investigate, and express informed opinions about, a range of political issues and developments that are both of significance in today’s world and of personal interest to them.

CGF3M - Grade 11 - Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters

- College/University Pathway

In this course, students will explore physical processes related to the earth’s water, land, and air. They will investigate how these processes shape the planet’s natural characteristics and affect human systems, how they are involved in the creation of natural disasters, and how they influence the impacts of human disasters. Throughout the course, students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process and use spatial technologies to analyse these processes, make predictions related to natural disasters, and assess ways of responding to them.

CGG3O - Grade 11 - Travel and Tourism: A Regional Geographic Perspectives

- Open Pathway

This course focuses on issues related to travel and tourism within and between various regions of the world. Students will investigate unique environmental, sociocultural, economic, and political characteristics of selected world regions. They will explore travel patterns and trends as well as tensions related to tourism, and will predict future tourism destinations. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate the impact of the travel industry on natural environments and human communities.

CHW3M - Grade 11 - World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century

- College/University Pathway

This course explores the history of various societies and civilizations around the world, from earliest times to around 1500 CE. Students will investigate a range of factors that contributed to the rise, success, and decline of various ancient and pre-modern societies throughout the world and will examine life in and the cultural and political legacy of these societies. Students will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating social, political, and economic structures and historical forces at work in various societies and in different historical eras.

CGR4M - Grade 12 - Environmental and Resource Management

- College/University Pathway

This course investigates interactions between natural and human systems, with a particular emphasis on the impacts of human activity on ecosystems and natural processes. Students will use the geographic inquiry process, apply the concepts of geographic thinking, and employ a variety of spatial skills and technologies to analyse these impacts and propose ways of reducing them. In the course of their investigations, they will assess resource management and sustainability practices, as well as related government policies and international accords. They will also consider questions of individual responsibility and environmental stewardship as they explore ways of developing a more sustainable relationship with the environment.

CHM4E - Grade 12 - Adventures in World History

- Workplace Pathway

This course examines significant developments and events in world history from earliest times to the present. Students will explore a variety of social, cultural, economic, and political developments in different regions of the world and during different periods. In addition to investigating how conflict, religion, work, and technology have helped shape people’s lives, students will examine the contributions of some significant individuals to our global heritage. Students will apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating a variety of human experiences in world history.

CHY4U - Grade 12 - World History Since the Fifteenth Century

- University Pathway

This course traces major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450. Students will explore social, economic, and political changes, the historical roots of contemporary issues, and the role of conflict and cooperation in global interrelationships. They will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, as they investigate key issues and ideas and assess societal progress or decline in world history.

Partners in Time Collaboartion with Halton Region Museum and Acton High School's History Class