Visual Arts

Welcome to the Visual Arts Department at Acton District School. Students have a variety of courses to choose from:

Grade 9, Visual Arts (Open) AVI1O

This course is exploratory in nature, offering an overview of visual arts as a foundation for further study. Students will become familiar with the elements and principles of design and the expressive qualities of various materials by using a range of media, processes, techniques, and styles. Students will use the creative and critical analysis processes and will interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.

Prerequisite: None

Grade 10, Visual Arts (Open) AVI2O

This course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation. Students will apply the elements and principles of design when exploring the creative process. Students will use the critical analysis process to reflect on and interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.

Prerequisite: None

Grade 11, Visual Arts (University/College) AVI3M

This course enables students to further develop their knowledge and skills in visual arts. Students will use the creative process to explore a wide range of themes through studio work that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking, as well as the creation of collage, multimedia works, and works using emergent technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process when evaluating their own work and the work of others. The course may be delivered as a comprehensive program or through a program focused on a particular art form(, video, computer graphics, information design).

Prerequisite: Visual Arts, Grade 9 or 10, Open

Grade 12, Visual Arts (University/ College) AVI4M

This course focuses on enabling students to refine their use of the creative process when creating and presenting two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process to deconstruct art works and explore connections between art and society. The studio program enables students to explore a range of materials, processes, and techniques that can be applied in their own art production. Students will also make connections between various works of art in personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural contexts.

Prerequisite: Visual Arts, Grade 11, University/College Preparation

Art Show Winner

Please congratulate Sophia Moffat on her artwork titled "Barb Wire". Sophia won the local artist's choice (senior category) in the Youth Art Exhibit at the Halton Hills Cultural Centre.

Art Trip to AGO and Graffiti Alley